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Error codes

This documents provides a list of error codes that may occur while interacting with the Veax smart contract. The list is not exhaustive.


These errors are expected during normal DEX operation. These may happen if the DEX state changes between estimation and transaction execution.

SlippageSlippage error.
InsufficientLiquidityInsufficient liquidity in the pool to perform the swap.
WrongRatioWrong token ratio (same as Slippage).

Input errors

AccountNotRegisteredAccount is not registered.
TokensStorageNotEmptyAccount's storage of tokens is not empty.
TokenNotRegisteredToken is not registered.
NotEnoughTokensNot enough tokens in deposit.
NonZeroTokenBalanceNon-zero token balance.
IllegalWithdrawAmountWithdraw amount is illegal.
DepositSenderMustBeSignerDeposit sender must be transaction signer or initiator...
UnexpectedRegisterAccountRegisterAccount action can be only first in batch.
DepositAlreadyHandledDeposit action already handled, should be present...
DepositNotHandledDeposit action not handled, should be present...
DepositNotAllowedDeposit action is not allowed in this batch action context.
AtLeastOneSwapAt least one swap.
InvalidParamsInvalid params.
PoolNotRegisteredLiquidity pool is not registered.
TokenDuplicatesToken is duplicated.
PermissionDeniedPermission is denied.
GuardChangeStateDeniedGuard change state is denied.
IllegalFeeFee is illegal.
PositionDoesNotExistPosition does not exist.
UserHasPositionsUser has opened positions.
NotYourPositionNot your position.
PriceTickOutOfBoundsTick value is either too large or too small.

Other errors

WithdrawInProgressOperation cannot be performed... Please retry later.
WrongActionResultWrong action result type.
LiquidityTooSmallResulting liquidity is too small.
PositionAlreadyExistsPosition already exists.
ConvOverflowNumeric conversion error: overflow—source number...
ConvSourceNaNNumeric conversion error: source number is NaN.
ConvNegativeToUnsignedNumeric conversion error: attempt to convert negative...
ConvPrecisionLossNumeric conversion error: loss of precision...
PayableAPISuspendedPayable API is suspended.

Internal errors

These errors indicate a bug in smart contracts implementation.

InternalTickNotFoundTick not found.
InternalTickNotDeletedTick not deleted.
InternalDepositMoreThanMaxEvaluated deposited amount is larger than specified...
InternalLossOfPrecisionInSwapToo large numeric error in evaluation of swapped...
InternalTopPoolsNumberMismatchLogic error: number of picked pools doesn't match...
InternalLogicErrorInternal logic error.